Never Underestimate a Swallower
By: Asmodeus

It was the weekend , Steve & Brandon were hanging around at Steve's house . Brandon was a friend of Steve , he was a cool guy for the most part allthough sometimes he could be just a tad annoying , always thinking he was right in any situation .

The two were just dozing around , bored with nothing to do .

Brandon: Man I was there was something we could do .

Steve: I never had much of an imagination so don't ask me what we could do .

Then suddenly Brandon shot up , he seemed to have an idea .

Brandon: Hey how about we have ourselves a little experiement ?

Steve: It's not that lame swallowing trick of yours again is it ? I can only find watching you swallow an apple whole interesting so many times you know .

Brandon had an interesting talent , he was able to swallow large objects whole , without chewing . He loved to show off by swallowing apples .

Brandon: Oh that bores you ? Then how about something bigger ?

Steve : Like what ? A Watermelon ?

Brandon: No I was thinking of something much bigger .

Brandon gave Steve a funny look

Steve: What? ..... you want to swallow me ? Yeah right dude . Swallowing apples is one thing but I'm alot bigger than a damn apple .

Brandon: So ?....

Steve: .....So I wouldn't even fit into you , you dumbass .

Brandon: According to whom ?

Steve: Now look I know you're going to start insisting on this again but you can't swallow me , I'm your size for crying out loud .

Brandon: Oh yes I can !

Steve ( angry) : Oh you .....

Steve was thinking to himself for a moment .

Steve(thinking): Hmm maybe if I tell him that he can swallow me he'll try and it obviously won't work . He'll be proven wrong and look like a damn jackass for insisting that he could .

Steve: Allright then , swallow me !

Brandon : Seriously ?

Steve : Yes swallow me !

Brandon: But once I do I'm not going to let you out .

Steve : Yeah yeah whatever . Now are we going to do this thing or what ?

Brandon: I need you to strip !

Steve : What ?

Brandon: I'm not going to swallow your damn clothe !

Steve: Oh... allright .

Steve stripped himself naked

Brandon: Come over here .

Steve went up to Brandon who was now standing in the room . Brandon took Steve into a tight embrace . In fact it was suprisingly tight , Steve couldn't move .

Steve: What the hell are you doing?

Brandon: I wouldn't want you to chicken out .

Steve: I bet you don't , now is this show going to get started ?

Brandon: Of coarse .

Brandon began opening his mouth . At first it looked normal , then it opened wider and wider . Steve wasn't too impressed because he had seen it all before when Brandon had swallowed apples . But then Brandon opened wider and wider , his mouth getting larger and larger .

Steve : Holy shit !

Brandon brought Steve closer to his now gigantic mouth.

Steve: You know maybe we ...

Then suddenly Brandon stuffed Steve's head inside . Steve panicked but Brandon's grip was too powerful . Steve watched in horror as his entire head was sucked into Brandon's mouth . It was awful , wet , hot and moist .

Brandon didn't waste any time , quickly his mouth moved down Steve's neck until it came to his shoulders were Brandon stopped .

Steve thought that Brandon couldn't manage to swallow anymore of him so he felt relieved . Suddenly however relieve turned to shock and Brandon lifted him off the ground and over his head . Steve was now in a straight line with Brandon's body . Gravity automatically let Steve slip in a few inches further .

Brandon firmly held Steve above his head despite wild kicking and proceeded to swallow Steve . This all went very quickly despite massive struggles and protests which were muffled from within Brandon's throat . Soon Steve's arms were pinned in Brandon's mouth so all he could really do is kick with his legs . Brandon once again paused . Steve took this moment to take in his surroundings , he noticed that his head had reached the bottom of something , he quickly figured that this was Brad's stomach .

"There's now way I'm ever going to fit in here " thought Steve . Not that he wanted to because it was smelly , hot , humid and slimy . Suddenly Steve felt something . It was a hand on his dick which was now positioned just outside Brandon's mouth .

Steve: What the fuck are you doing ?

It soon became apparent , Brandon was jerking Steve off . Steve tried to resists any stimulation but his dick had a different opinion on the matter . It quickly became hard and not too much later Steve felt the pressure building .

Steve : Oh no !

Then Steve came hard , he sprayed his cum right into the air which then landed somewhere in his living room .

All of this had somewhat exhausted Steve somewhat so when Brandon resumed swallowing Steve's struggles allthough still quite strong were not as aggressive as before . Soon came the point where Steve wondered how any more of him could fit into the stomach but his question was soon answered . The muscles of Brandon's body forced him to begin to curl up , Steve tried to resist but the muscles were too strong .

Very quickly more and more of Steve was swallowed and forced down Brandon's throat and into his stomach . Steve soon felt his feet being pulled into Brandon's mouth . Brandon now played a very cruel game , very slowly swallowing the rest of Steve down , savoring every moment of it . Then Steve feet passed the stomach sphincter which then closed right up . Steve was now entirely curled up in Brandon's stomach .

It was very uncomfortable , not only was it gross it was also extremely cramped and the air was pretty stale too .

Steve writhed and struggled .

Brandon felt it and smiled .

Brandon: So now I guess I was able to swallow you after all .

Steve : Yes , I guess .. ouch ...

Brandon: What's the matter Steve ?

Brandon's stomach muscles were contracting , squeezing Steve everytime .

Steve : Your stomach is crushing me !

Brandon: Well that's it's job .

Steve : Let me out of here .... ouch ! Damn it !

Brandon: Oh no , remember you agreed that I could keep you in there .

Steve : Well I .... Aaah crap .... didn't think , ... ouch ....

Brandon: You didn't think I could actually do it did you ? Well that's not my fault then is it ?

Brandon: No I like you just were you are , nicely curled up in my tummy , waiting to be digested

Steve : God damn it !

Steve now really struggled and squirmed which caused Brandon's distended gut to heavily shift around .

Brandon: Don't bother , there's no escape ! Now behave yourself !

Steve : Let me out .... Ouch ! Now !

Steve : Oh shit I ....... Aarks ! ......

Suddenly Brandon let out a massive roaring belch . This had removed most of the air inside Brandon's stomach which meant that Steve was crushed into an even tinier ball and that he had little air left to breath .

Brandon : Now see that's much better .

Steve didn't really respond much except for some moaning , the struggling inside Brandon's belly had also diminshed .

Brandon : What's that? You're getting comfortable ? That's a great idea . I hope you don't mind if a crash in your place for a little digestion nap .

Brandon spread himself out on Steve's couch and quickly fell asleep .

Steve guessed that Brandon was asleep , he heard the heavy but slow breathing from within and the soothing beats of Brandon's heart . Soon the air in Brandons stomach became unbreathable and Steve slowly but surely passed out .

A few hours had passed when Brandon awoke . His stomach had lost much of it's size . Brandon shook around his stomach and listened . He heard gurgling . This meant that Steve had been turned into liquid . Then Brandon felt the liquid being pumped out of his stomach and into his intestines . Brandon smiled as he knew that Steve would now be absorbed into his body forever .

The End

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